Sunday, October 18, 2009

Haley gets her yellow belt

Haley tested for her yellow belt this weekend. This time she had to earn it. Her and six other kids tested together but only two of them were white belts. It was good for her to do some karate in front of an audience. She did a great job.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Girls Trip to Jamaica

Last month I was invited by some friends to go to Jamaica. It was a last minute thing for all of us but Kara managed to get all 5 of us to go. This was a big deal for me because I have never been out of the country before or even flown over water before. We had a great adventure and I'm so glad I went. Our first stop: Chicago Airport. We had to travel through 3 cities to get there so it was a long day but it went by fast.

Finally there....

We were a little nervous about our transportation to the resort. Our luggage was thrown through the back window of this van.

All the virgin drinks we wanted.

We had a blast at this pool. We spent a lot of time on the waterslide. I figured out why it is so dangerous to go down the waterslide 5 people at a time. We went down all together about 20 times and acted like a bunch of little kids. We were probably getting funny looks but we didn't notice. It was crazy we had a good time.

Me, Kara Allen, Mandy Pack, Amber Pugmire and Amy Crowther.

It was fun to get dressed up every night.

Messy Mouth

What can I say, Peyton is our little piglet! She will eat anything and everything that we put in front of her. She is such a good eater. I'm not sure what is going on with her hair. I think I may have just pulled her ponytail holder out to make it stand up like that.